February 22, 2010


When I was younger, Winter used to be my favourite season because:

1) It made me look forward to Christmas,
2) It made me look forward to my birthday,
3) Snow days meant NO SCHOOL!
4) I loved making snow angels and snowmen : )
5) Snow made everything look pretty.

However, over the years, I've come to dislike snow and Winter altogether. What had once looked beautiful to me, now looks bleak and depressing. When did this change in perception occur?

I remember taking this photo in the Winter of 2006-07. It was the beginning of the first snow storm of that year, and for some reason, I wanted to capture the moment. I can't imagine taking selfies outside in the snow at this moment in time. I can't stand the cold anymore and besides, my dad took my camera to Panama City.

I cannot express how jealous I am of my parents right now. They're basking in the sun, enjoying 30o+ weather with their closest friends. I wish I could be doing that right now, but unfortunately, I have midterms to write. Sigh.

School is just awesome, isn't it?
(I'm being sarcastic)

Anyway, there's so much that I don't like about Winter, it's not even funny. I don't know how it's possible to love something so much and then downright hate it afterwards. Where is the love?

I can't wait until Summer.


At March 21, 2010 at 7:52 PM , Blogger Jen said...

i just found your blog!


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